Wax Melt Review and Promotion Service

General Info This Website Review Service
As of April 2024 we are no longer doing wax melt reviews.

How does our Wax Melt Reviews and Promotion Service work?

Companies send us wax melts, we review them, and we publish the review and promote their company. We are providing a service that can help wax melt businesses get more exposure and clients. We don't charge for this valuable service, but we also don't pay for the wax melts we review. Most wax melt companies report an increase in orders soon after our review gets published. We can review current scents as well as new scents that companies might be testing, and seasonal scents that might not yet be available.

For direct sales wax melt such as Scentsy, Pink Zebra, PartyLite, etc., our review will also focus on the rep/seller and why someone should purchase from them instead of other reps.

Do we get paid for reviews?

A paid review is not a review; it's an ad. People depend on our reviews because they're honest and objective. So although we are often approached by wax melt companies offering to pay us to publish a positive review, we will not do that.

What do we do with the wax melts we review?

If there is any wax left after the review, we may keep it, give it away, or more than likely destash it and donate the proceeds to a charitable animal welfare organization like the Petco Love (Petco Foundation). We support various organizations that help stray, sick, hurt and abused cats, dogs, and other animals. With this review service, everybody gets to "pay it forward", from the wax company, to our reviewers, to the person who buys the wax. And we can provide copies of our donation receipts to buyers of our destashes.

Do you own or work for a wax melt company? Our FREE Review & Promotion Service can help you get more customers!
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