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Search terms are NOT case-sensitive, so it doesn't matter whether you type capitals or not.
EVERY instance of a word you search for gets returned. So searching for jasmine returns reviews for the scent name jasmine, companies with "Jasmine" in the name, scents that include the note jasmine, and reviews where I say something smells like jasmine.
Partial word searches don't work well, so typing app to search for apple only returns the word app. And typing caram returns caramely, not caramel. But typing mull returns both mulled and mulling. Go figure! So for best results, type the full word(s) you want to search for.
You can use operators like you do with Google Search. So if searching for "fresh air", put it in quotes to return that exact term. Without quotes, it returns fresh and air, whether they're part of "fresh air" or not. OR click the "advanced" link under the search bar and type fresh air after "and this exact phrase".
You can also use the negative sign to not show certain words. So searching for apple -caramel (no space after the "-" sign), returns the word apple, but no caramel. And you can stack them, so apple -caramel -cinnamon returns apple but no caramel or cinnamon. OR click the "advanced" link under the search bar, type apple in the first field, and caramel in the field that says "and none of these words".
To exit the search results box, click the white "X" at the top of the page, or just click on any area outside of the box.
You can try to search for a specific throw score (so, search for 5 if you're looking for a throw score of 5), but the search will return every instance of that number, including the number that appears in dates, quantities, prices, etc. Go to the throw section of the Help page to see what throw scores we use. Using the Search Table is a better way to search by throw than trying to do a general search by number.
If you need more help with the search bar, click the "advanced" link under the search bar and then click "search tips" on the top right.
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