Aromatic herbs and fresh-cut mahogany embracing a spicy warmth of clove-dusted vanilla wrapped in smooth tonka, white amber, and dark tones of earthy patchouli. Additional hints of molasses, vanilla and musk combine to make this the perfect fall fragrance.
An incredible scent of sweet tobacco, vanilla, warm amber, patchouli, and maybe a smidgen of caramel or even chocolate (although patchouli has a chocolatey note), and possibly a smidgen of cinnamon way in the background. It's much sweeter and more foodie than most similar scents. Looking at the notes, I don't really smell the mahogany (a rich, dark wood that sometimes has a cologney note), and I don't really get cloves (but it could be way in the background). Also, no tobacco. The "additional hints of molasses, vanilla and musk" are the same as what's shown for the Pumpkin Weather scent, but I think they apply to this scent rather than that one, as I do smell the vanilla (but I'm not sure why they repeated it twice), the caramel I thought I detected could be molasses, and although it's not a perfumey scent at all, musk could be contributing to the sweetness.
I knew I recognized this scent! It's quite similar to Better Homes & Gardens Sueded Cinnamon Woods, but this scent is slightly sweeter, and I do detect the cinnamon in this scent that I don't detect in that scent.