Burt's Bees Wax Melt Reviews
January 14, 2016
This is a review of Burt's Bees Soy Wax Melts. The wax is creamy, messy, and hard to get out of the package, and the throw in general is mediocre. These are $4.99 at Target for 4 oz. packs (larger than the standard 2.5 oz. size, which is shown here). The 2.5 oz. size is also available at Target and Walmart.
Burt's Bees wax melts are discontinued.

Creamy messy wax that's hard to get out of the package
Eucalyptus Mint
This smells like a combination of peppermint candy and Vicks Vaporub. It's a nice authentic peppermint scent, with no spearmint or wintergreen notes that would make it smell like toothpaste. Also has a sinus-clearing effect, so would be great if you have a cold! Melted, it did take on a very slight "toothpaste" mint scent. Scent dissipated within 2 hours.
Fresh Cut Fern
This smells a little like basil, with a tangy slightly green note, but also with a little bit of a eucalyptus "spa" quality. It's a nice scent despite a slight industrial cleaner note. Scent started dissipating after 20 minutes!
Lavender Fields
This is the most realistic lavender scent I think I've ever smelled in a wax melt. It's not a sweet perfumey lavender, but more of a slightly eucalyptus "spa" lavender. Fantastic scent, very fresh and realistic. Scent only lasted about 2.5 hours.
Papaya Guava
This is a tropical fruit scent, but I don't smell pineapple or coconut. It's tangy and sour, a little like satsuma (a small orange type fruit with a tart lemony grapefruit scent), but not enough to justify the sourness. It's very slightly sweet on cold sniff, but the sweetness disappeared when melted, and it turned into an awful sour tropical chemical scent.
Raspberry Lemon
Fake raspberry with a sour note and a little bit of zestiness, but not really lemon. This smells weird to me on cold sniff, but I have a feeling it's one of those scents that will improve when melted. Nope, I was wrong. Smelled the same when melted, but with even less raspberry and more sourness.
Sweet Lemon
Just like the scent name, this smells like sweetened lemon. It has a slight bakery note but also a very slight soapy note that makes it smell a little like lemon-scented skin cream. Melted, I don't smell the bakery note and it smells a little like kitchen lemon and lemonade. It's a fantastic scent.
Sweet Pumpkin
I don't smell any pumpkin in this scent. It smells like vanilla ice cream, very sweet and creamy. Maybe a hint of caramel. OK perhaps a smidgen of pumpkin, but if I didn't know it's supposed to be in there, I wouldn't smell pumpkin. It's a really nice scent.
Toasted Almond
This kind of smells like a glazed donut to me. I don't smell almond at all, but it's still a nice scent despite a slight chemical note.
Tropical Mango
I didn't buy this one, as I didn't like the artificial tropical scent.
Vanilla Honey
I didn't buy this one, as it was weak on cold sniff. I smelled vanilla and a little bit of honey, but it was just "okay" to me.